What’s the Solution to the “Great Resignation”?
We’ve been talking about the Workplace and all of the issues confounding it these days. I’m sure you’ve seen other articles almost everywhere you look.
Yet, with all of those distractions, the best approach is to figure out what you can do to keep your employees. For openers, be sure to check out, Why are they leaving … and how can you keep them? and Why Generous Parental Leave Gives You a Competitive Edge.
Nothing could be less expensive than this suggestion. Take a look at a new study that “underlines the power power of one of the simplest factors of all: GRATITUDE.”
To Make Matters Worse … Job-Hoppers are snagging 30% Raises!
If the Job-Hoppers are getting 30% raises, why would your employees stay?
One more reason to focus on what you can do to keep your employees. Look again at the articles above for some suggestions.